Wisdom to follow

All knowledge begins with healthy, hearty debate. So you had better leave comments.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The blog is now diamonds

I think I'm going to start paying more attention to this thing.

Having been left to rot in a rather bleak and depressing part of the internet for the better part of too long, I am now deciding to actually use this thing, if only to serve as an archive for my inner rants/monologues.

NEW LAYOUT!!!!!!!!NEW LAYOUT!!!!!!!!

Yes! I decided to sell out to the proverbial "man", caving in and making my blog look just like the rest. Where before I took a principled stand against squashing intellectual rantitude up to the confines of an abysmally small margin (one that most certainly couldn't fit a proof by Fermat), I now embrace the margins in all their novel squashitude.

I do however, like the dark grey/black tone to the layout. I find it easier to read white text on a dark background such as this than the other way around, so I'll be keeping the layout.

Anyway, you should be able to look forward to reading some new rants and analysis in the near future. In the meantime, I do have a few good rants in the archive from last year. So, while you wait eagerly for the next exciting instalment of Drink Diet Water, you can indulge in some of this blogs great moments of 2010, including