Wisdom to follow

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Australia's Biggest Whinger S02E01

Ladies and gentlemen, it's the moment you've all been waiting for. Prepare yourself for season 2 of... Australia's Biggest Whinger!

Here's your host - the man who would sell his arse to give you what you want as long as he gets the top job - Mr Tony Abbott!
*Cue Liberal hacks cheering and screaming*

"Thank you, uh, thank, uh, thank you, everybody. Boy what an exciting season we uh we have for you this year. Let's get straight uh to uh to business and present the contestants!"

"Contestant number 1 is a close and dear friend of the Liberal party, and I think he has a great chance at taking it home this year... it's... Mr Clive Palmer!"
*Cue Liberal hacks cheering and screaming*

"Contestant number 2 has done nothing but complain ever since he was elected to parliament. He distances himself from us but deep down he truly is another LNP hack... Mr Bob Katter!"
*Cue Queensland redneck bogans cheering and yee-hawing*

"Contestant number 3 is a born-and-bred Liberal stooge who has managed to fool the electorate into thinking he's a moderate... Mr Malcolm Turnbull!"
*Cue cheers from the "moderate" wing of the Liberal hacks, all three of them*

"Contestant number 4 is an outsider. A closeted conservative masquerading as the saviour of the left. He's done nothing but whinge and complain since he was booted out of office... Mr Kevin Rudd!"
*Cue cheers from the swing voters who are easily swayed by a smooth-talking politician, and care nothing for substance*

"Contestant number 5 hasn't been around much lately. He's been described as the biggest "is it my turn yet?" in Australian politics... Mr Peter Costello!"
*Cue cheers from the morons who think he cut spending despite spending increasing more under him than any other treasurer of the last 30 years*

"Contestant number 6 is a returning favourite from last season, out to win it all this year. Having narrowly lost a chance at the NSW upper house and not being able to accept it... Pauline Hanson!"
*Cue cheers from redneck bogans from across the country*

"My what a lovely bunch of contestants, here they are all standing in a uh row. I'm sure they all need no introduction, so let’s move right on to stopping the boats. I uh mean uh uhm uh the first elimination uh challenge."