Wisdom to follow

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I read this, and loved it (also, mining tax)

Abbott can’t shake the stink of the tobacco lobby

Sure, it's an opinion piece, and a partisan one at that. But it's hard to disagree with the message. You really have to wonder where the vested interests of the Liberal party lie when they're accepting millions of dollars in donations from a company that literally sells poison to drug addicts who inject the poison directly into their lungs.

The Labor party, on principle, will not accept donations from them. It is an important question to ask - will Tony Abbott and the Liberal party do what's right if it means they will be worse off? Or will they continue to prolong the poisoning Australian's for their own political gain?

As an aside, I know people like to point out that Labor accepts donations from unions. Thing about unions is, they represent people. They represent everyday people. They represent the workers, and defend them against potential abuse by employers. Without unions, industrial western society history would be a lot uglier. Without unions sticking up for the rights of the workers, there is, and indeed was back in the time before unions, nothing stopping the employer from unfairly treating the employees in all sorts of ways for a little extra profit.

Unions are not a bad thing. They are a necessity in any civilised society. It's just a pity that one side of politics are in the pockets of big business, while the other side are in the pockets of people who represent the working class. I wonder which side is more representative of the population?

As an aside aside...

Resources outperform weak economy
"The domestic economy is struggling despite the mining boom, according to the closely watched NAB monthly business survey."
Labor faces backbench rumblings
"The Government is bracing for a fiery caucus meeting this morning, after Labor backbenchers demanded they be involved in making decisions on the Malaysian deal, live cattle exports, and the mining tax."
More mining jobs under carbon tax: Gillard
"Prime Minister Julia Gillard says there will be more employment in mining and related industries under a carbon price, as a coal industry study pointed to thousands of jobs being lost."

I can haz mining tax now?

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