Wisdom to follow

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Woah, I never thought I'd say this

Fielding kills Abbott's carbon plebiscite 
"Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's push for an $80 million non-binding plebiscite on the proposed carbon tax is dead in the water after key Senator Steve Fielding rejected the proposal as a "political stunt"."

Damn Fielding, you just done good.

Although I wouldn't mind a plebiscite if it included a question on the Coalition's policy, and a question on which of Labor's and the Coalition's policy is most likely to make a difference and which is more cost effective.

This is also a good example of why Australia needs compulsory preferential voting. I am long overdue for a rant on why compulsory preferential voting is better than optional preferential voting.

What has the boom ever done for us?
"While all the focus is on the first anniversary of the knifing of St Kevin, another milestone is slipping through largely unnoticed: the scrapping of his contentious plan to impose a Resource Rent Tax on the mining industry."

Fairly good read. Does have a bit of opinion, but presents it after presenting some good hard facts.

I just hope the independents in the lower house have the testicular fortitude to do what's right and vote for a mining tax, with any amendments the Greens may slap on it.

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